Monday, December 1, 2008

...have John Howard in power again.

Or the Liberals for that matter. Creepy. Dirty. Slimy - sorry I didn't mean to advertise my bad habits here. No really. The man needs several good hard bitch slaps (I'm not proffering my services here, btw - though normally am not averse to this given the right situation - cos its all about me, isn't it?)

Back to serious-speak. His fucking up the country - his sucking up to one of the most hideous creatures currently ruining the earth. Pathetic, pusillanimous Poo-head! Was reminded of His Odiousness last night when I watched the ABC's "Howard Years" thingy - the Children Overboard Affair, the Weapons of Mass Destruction bizzo. Tragically the list goes on. George wants a war - sure George, we'll send our boys (our babies!!) over to help out. So wot if we sacrifice a few souls to be killed, maimed or tortured. Oh Johnnie, you little turd - where's my axe, where's my hatchet! I'm channelling Lizzie Borden now. Yes Johnny Boy - am gonna give you 40 whacks, then when I'm done - am gonna give your mate George another 41!!

Honestly, how do schlepps like these guys get into power? Oh the inhumanity! Listen up folks. We are now suffering the sins of our voting brotherhood. Thank fuck we now have Kevin & Julia & Obama. Though they've inherited our current heavy burden, thanx to the 2 worst specimens of humankind, I can at least see light at the end of a v. long tunnel.

End of excruciatingly endless epistle.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 brussels sprouts

yes folks, I'd rather do this than eat brussels sprouts. Gross, green, smellie - like many an ex-boyfriend. why, once tried, would I want to go back there again? - Ugh!!